Opening of Hindu temple in Ayodhya stirs bitter recollections for India’s muslims | BBC News

Opening of Hindu temple in Ayodhya stirs bitter recollections for India’s muslims | BBC News

India’s Top Minister Narendra Modi is gratifying a promise to Hindu nationalists with the gap of a big novel temple in the northern city of Ayodhya.

But for India’s Muslims it conjures up bitter recollections of sectarian violence and bloodshed. More than 30 years ago Hindu rioters pulled down the historic mosque that had stood on the placement in Ayodhya.
In the violence that spread in the future of India hundreds of of us lost their lives. It marked a turning point in self sustaining India’s transformation from a secular convey, with the upward thrust of militant Hindu nationalism.

The outlet of the novel temple by Mr Modi marks the originate of his re-election marketing and marketing campaign, as he appeals to India’s Hindu majority to wait on him for a third term in place of job.

Jane Hill items BBC News at Ten reporting by Yogita Limaye in Ayodhya.

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