Driver Fires 11 Pictures at Vehicle He Says Was once Tailgating Him

Driver Fires 11 Pictures at Vehicle He Says Was once Tailgating Him

Gruesome video has emerged from a boulevard rage incident taken to the brink final summer season in Miami. Video recorded from his driver-facing scamper cam presentations Eric Popper, a civilian…

Extinct Trump adviser found responsible, Turkey cave rescue, more | CBS Information Prime Time

Extinct Trump adviser found responsible, Turkey cave rescue, more | CBS Information Prime Time

Peter Navarro, a former high adviser in the Trump White Condominium, became convicted of prison contempt of Congress Thursday, rescue workers are speeding to set up an American speleologist trapped…

Lithium-ion battery fires are up. Are firefighters spellbinding?

Lithium-ion battery fires are up. Are firefighters spellbinding?

Lithium-Ion battery fires pose distinctive challenges to firefighters. CBS Recordsdata’ Ash-har Quraishi reviews few firefighters know guidelines on how to effectively extinguish these fires. #records #lithiumbattery #electricvehicle CBS Recordsdata Streaming…

California fires, camel racing, coronavirus tribute; The World in Photos, Sept. 28

California fires, camel racing, coronavirus tribute; The World in Photos, Sept. 28

A look on the cease photos from all the plot via the globe.